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Month: March 2007

ColdFusion Views: 0

The proud owner of a ticket to the CF.Objective conference

I am registered for the cf.Objective() conference! I REALLY REALLY wanted to go last year. My plans were derailed by deadlines at work. Not...

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Random Views: 0

Enough with the Mac posts already….

Now Hear This Please stop raving about your Mac computers. I have an older Mac Book (600mhz) running 10.4 and I like it just fine. Since it...

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Things I'll Never Finish Views: 0


I’ve been working on a Data Conversion for the last month and a half. I didn’t want the assignment. I don’t like data...

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Stupidity Views: 0

Strange Friday Night

I am not a threatening guy. I mean it. I am between 5’8 and 5’10 depending on what convenience store I am leaving. I weigh 150...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

Passing querytext as a function argument OR When is a string not a string?

Today I wrote a function that added in default rows to a query. Part of the function needed the text of a query to find the default values....

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ColdFusion Views: 0

Closures in ColdFusion

I’ve been reading Sean Corfield’s examples on how to use the Closure library. This still seems a little mystical to me since I...

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Stupidity Views: 0

To the Acura Driving Teenager

Hi, you might remember me. I was the guy in the Porsche this afternoon you wanted to race. I know you were perplexed when I didn’t...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

Promote ColdFusion (CFML)

The “frighteningly” evangelistic Rey Bango, newly anointed into the JQuery Evangelism fold is a long time ColdFusion...

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ColdFusionModel-GlueRapid DevelopmentTutorials Views: 0

So you want to create a ModelGlue:Unity application? ( Part 10 )

Sean Corfield pointed out that using ColdSpring to make instance (throwaway) components is quite a heavyweight approach for a simple form...

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Gmail Back.

Gmail is available once again. After being mildly annoyed at the “Please try back in a couple of minutes” message, I viewed...

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