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Month: May 2007

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Bears in the neighborhood.

At the moment, I live in New Jersey, right where the suburbs of the ‘city’ meet the countryside. New Jersey is remarkable for a...

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Using Closures in Javascript

Closures in JavaScript are a very important tool. The ability to control the execution contexts of variables and functions gives a lot of...

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A tool to generate Database Scripts from MySql, MS SQL, Oracle, Pervasive and PostgreSQL

While reading the latest on the very cool Trac-Fu project, by Russ Johnson, I was reminded about a tool I use to generate database scripts....

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External Hard Drive Recommendation

The Western Digital WD5000C032 500 GB external hard drive gets a big thumbs up! I purchased this drive a few months ago for backing up my...

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Mach-II 1.5 backwards compatibility

I am in the process of doing maintenance on a Large Mach-II application written against the Mach-II 1.1.1 framework. Since the Mach-II team...

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Upcoming update to the Var Scope Checker

While helping a user on IRC, (dalnet #ColdFusion) I was looking for the Var Scope Checker. In my hunt to find the darned thing, I saw in...

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Google and the new menu bar

I read Ted Patrick today talking about Google Making Him Think and I laughed. As a programmer, there are lots of reasons to change an...

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Ok Apple, are you taunting me?

I wrote a while ago about getting a reprieve from Apple. I was really on the fence to upgrade (read: replace) my older PowerBook with a new...

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Transfer ORM list tops 100 users

While listening to the latest CF Weekly podcast, I heard Mark mention the Transfer Google Group was nearing 100 users. I got curious and...

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LightWire presentation

The LightWire presentation by Peter Bell has just finished. Great job by Peter explaining the inner workings of the frameworks, the...

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