Scorpio Wishlist Item
One of the proper jewels of ColdFusion is the dynamic nature of the language. There is nothing I love more than replacing tons of...
RSS Errors
I might be the last person to know about this but I thought I would blog it anyways. I wrote a post about Flex 360 – yesterday and...
360 Flex – Seattle Edition
The next iteration of 360 Flex is coming in a few months. I saw the speaker/topic list was just posted and the sessions look incredible. If...
To the United States Post Office
The price of First Class mail went up to 41 cents today. In comparison of the previous price of 39 cents, this is a meager 5% increase. I...
Rant: On Car Alarms
I was sitting on the porch today with the laptop and the excellent weather just enjoying myself. As the breeze rustled the leaves and the...
MachII Includes
Recently on the Dalnet #Mach-II IRC channel, a user asked about including resources in a mach-II.xml file. As you probably know, the MVC...
Debugging JS and Ajax on IE
I am currently working through a problem and at the point of pulling my hair out. I have an Ajax process that pops up a nice little div on...
CF.Objective() is the best value for the money
The aggregators are filled with hundreds of posts extolling the virtues of CF.Objective. I wanted to live blog some of the sessions but I...
Blog CFC RSS error?
I just got back in from CfObjective ( A post on that later ) and found three errors in my inbox from my blog. I NEVER get errors from my...
ColdFusion Ajax Wizards for Eclipse?
Sometimes I read too fast. I remember reading a post on Scorpio by Sean Corfield. I just don’t remember the part about the ColdFusion...