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Month: September 2007

ColdFusionRapid Development Views: 0

Is your code Thread Safe? How do you know?

Code that is not Thread Safe is sneaky, dangerous and leads to bewildering production errors and strange side effects. As part of my...

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Random Views: 0

Missing Features from Gmail

If you asked, I would say I like Gmail a lot. However, I have been yelling at it lately because it is missing some vital features. Missing...

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Javascript Views: 0

Running An Effect on Body Unload

I was recently asked to help with adding a page transition effect. JQuery makes tasks like this blazingly simple. Here is the source code...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

Using StructFind for fun and profit

There is a very weird debate going on in the CF-Aussie list about the merits of the ColdFusion function structFind(). StructFind( struct,...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

Pablo Vos Presents Ten facts why Coldfusion beats PHP and ASP

Someone just forwarded an article from Pablo Vos, “10 facts why ColdFusion is better than PHP or ASP”. The 10 facts are are...

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AjaxJavascript Views: 0

The New JQuery UI Launched

The first drop of JQuery UI was released September 16th 2007. This release includes: Accordian Calendar Dialog Draggables Droppables...

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Personal Views: 0

My 1 Year Blog Anniversary

I just noticed that I’ve been blogging for exactly one year. General Stats Total Number of Entries: 144 Posts Over Last 30 Days: 12...

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Stupidity Views: 0

Public Service Announcement – Firefox Caches Select Box State

Remember that the Firefox Browser caches the selected position on Select Boxes. I am not sure how to turn this feature off. This means that...

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Personal Views: 0

CFTopper comes to America

Every once in a while I cruise over to the personal blog of Peter Coppinger, an Irish ColdFusion developer. Peter often writes humorously...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

ColdFusion Developers – Spot the Mistake

Take a look at this code: I just spent 15 minutes tracing all this code out trying to find out why nothing was returned. The intent of the...

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