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Month: April 2008

Personal Views: 0

Happy Skip Krenek Day

This probably isn’t news to most of my readers, but in case you missed it, April 25th is Skip Krenek Day. While a special day...

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Server Configuration Views: 0

Fix for Filezilla Failing to Retrieve Directory Listing

I use Filezilla FTP client to manage files on many servers. I had a specific Filezilla client that refused to retrieve a directory listing....

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Flex Views: 0

Super Sexy Flex App for Managing Expenses

Michal Glowacki, I wrote a review of a preso on Cairngorm he did at NYFlex, contacted me to let me know his group released a new Flex based...

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ColdFusionWow Views: 0

TransferORM gets closer to 1.0 release

The word on the street is Transfer 1.0 will be in release candidate status at CF.Objective 2008. I’ve actually overheard that the...

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Personal Views: 0

Kudos to the TSA

I’m a pretty seasoned traveler and have been through many security checkpoints. I am also deathly afraid of the TSA. I have a...

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Personal Views: 0

Haiku For Today

Blood Pain Agony, At Last Mountain Bike Ride Done, Am Glad For Helmet This was my first time on the bike in 3 years. Man, I know I can do...

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Stupidity Views: 0

I Hate You Adobe Updater

I usually like Adobe Updater. It runs out of my way, has options to run in the background and generally is a polite little updater. Today,...

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Personal Views: 0

Drinks in DC April 8th

April is a nice time to hang out and be friendly. I’m going to be in Washington DC the evening of April 8th for business and want to...

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