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Month: May 2009

PersonalWow Views: 0

New Bluetooth Headset On Order

I live and die by bluetooth headsets. Holding the phone up to my ear during a long conversation is as annoying as being covered in sugar...

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Application ArchitectureObject OrientedSoftware Development Views: 0

The Art Of Method Names

I write from time to time on code quality and structure because it is a topic of interest to me. Clean code and well named logical...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

ColdFusion Is The Most Elegant Expression Of Business Solutions

I was emailing back and forth with a very smart group of people this morning and had a thought that seemed worth repeating. ColdFusion is...

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Application ArchitectureFor N00bsObject OrientedSoftware Development Views: 0

Hard Coding Scopes In CFCs Is A No No!

Now Hear This! This is a public service announcement. If you hard code scopes inside your CFCs (request, application, session), stop today....

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AjaxApplication ArchitectureModel-GlueRapid Development Views: 0

If You Build or Maintain Client Side Libraries or Widgets I Want To Talk To You

The ColdFusion community is full of bright people who have built really neat libraries and widgets to make better features and functions...

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