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Month: October 2009

PersonalWow Views: 0

To The Most Courageous Woman I Know

This year has been a year of turmoil and also a year of blessings. Most years are like that, though this one has been particularly full of...

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PersonalWow Views: 0

My Brother the Alligator Wrestler

I’m from Florida, as you know. Florida is home to Alligators, a much maligned animal that generally doesn’t deserve such an...

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CFinNCColdFusion Views: 0

So you wanna plan a conference?

We’ve just finished up the CFinNC conference and by all digital accounts, it went rather well. Most things ran on time, lunch arrived...

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ColdFusionConferences Views: 0

Get Free Model-Glue training this weekend!

As you’ve probably seen, I’m giving Free Model Glue training this weekend at BFusion/BFlex in Bloomington, Indiana. This will...

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ColdFusionConferences Views: 0

Model Glue:Gesture – Version 3.1 Presentation at CF.Objective(ANZ)

I’ll be presenting on Model-Glue 3, code named Gesture, at the CF.Objective(ANZ) conference, taking place in Melbourne, Australia on...

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CFinNCColdFusionConferences Views: 0

CFinNC is close to a sell out

When we started talking about planning the CFinNC conference, we knew we wanted to provide the best possible training and education for...

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PersonalThings I'll Never FinishWow Views: 0

How Many Zeros In A Million

This blog hit over a million total views today. Well, I think it was today, I can’t be sure. Last week I noticed the page count was...

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