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Written by 5:40 pm ColdFusion

CF.Objective() is the best value for the money

The aggregators are filled with hundreds of posts extolling the virtues of CF.Objective. I wanted to live blog some of the sessions but I decided against it. Why? You may ask?

Initially, I didn’t have wifi service and while Paul and Baz sorted that out, I just didn’t want to divide my attention between the awesome content and correcting my terribly typed notes. There was too much to learn!

Even being a little sleep deprived, I didn’t miss a single time slot. The content at this conference goes well beyond what can be found at such conferences as CFUnited and MAX and I highly recommend this conference for above average programmers.

Apart from the content, I met a lot of really cool people. Some I knew from their blog, some not, though we all had a really nice time. I hope to keep up the friendships from cf.objective. I wasn’t so good at handing out my card so if we met at the conference and you would like my email address, just leave a comment and I’ll send it right over.

A big THANK YOU to Jared, Steven and the crew for putting on a very well run conference. I wouldn’t have changed a single detail.

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