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Hello, Me again. – A Mid-Year Letter from Dan Wilson

CFUnited is right around the corner. I can close my eyes and clearly remember last year’s CFUnited like it was a month ago. “Where does the time go?”, they say?

I remember in High School watching the second hand slow dance across the dial. Each minute broken up into 60 equally agonizing seconds each in turn taking it’s own eternity.

One way I mark time is by looking at my blogging habits. My blogging habits have been abysmal. I partially blame twitter, the ultra-time-suck-in-140-characters or less, since twitter serves as an outlet to the world for me. I also blame Facebook to a lesser degree, though I’ve long since removed any vestige of twitter or facebook from my work computers in an attempt to control my distractions.

I can also say that Model-Glue has taken it’s share of time as well. Thankfully there is a large community of active contributors willing to put in time to keep the framework moving so it is certainly a manageable workload. ( though depending on who you ask, manageable might be debatable). Shepherding Model-Glue to the final 3.0 release is one of my recent professional accomplishments I’m most proud of.

I’ve also recently gotten married. June 6th to be exact. As proof, I stuck a picture in this post. Don’t worry, I won’t bore you with more.

We’ve also combined houses, and bought a new house, and are in the process of closing on the new house and selling the old house. This is a tremendous amount of work and I never thought I’d ever spend 14 hours spreading mulch, but I can chalk it off to one of my professional accomplishments I’d like not to repeat too often :).

I’m also involved, along with most members of the best CFUG on the face of the planet in planning the CF in NC conference. If you are new to this idea, we are holding a really great Adobe Platform in the Research Triangle Area of North Carolina. Thanks to the dedication and cleverness of the members of the planning committee, and the generosity of our sponsors, we’ve managed to remove the cost of the registration fee. Our unofficial slogan is “The Economy Sucks, We Don’t. Come to CFinNC!”

I’ve missed a few things along the way. I missed the chance to really get down and dirty with CF9 once it hit public beta. I missed the rescheduling of Flex 4 for 2010. Heck, I even missed the chance to spew my own brand of bullpoop in the last Great OO Is Dead blog war.

I think things will settle down a little after CFUnited. I’ll be able to really get into CF9 and learn how to make the best use of the newest, hottest features. I’ll have time to work on my SuperSecretAIRApplication. I’ll even have time to blog more, which I dearly miss.

If you’ve stuck around this long, thanks. Sometimes we all need to reflect a little and remember where we’ve come from, so we know where we’re headed. Best wishes to you in the last half of 2009.


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