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Written by 9:15 am Stupidity

Thank you Microsoft. I hate you so much.

This morning my computer was updated by the Microsoft Automatic Update service. This runs in the background downloading ‘critical’ updates to important software on my computer. Like ‘Genuine Advantage’.

In all fairness, there are often important security related releases in the Automatic Updates. I like the idea of this as it keeps me from having to stay fully abreast of MS Security issues.

What I don’t like is, when the Automatic Update service completes its installation, it then asks for a reboot. You get two options, ‘Reboot Now’ or ‘Reboot Later’. Fair enough.

Reboot Later should be reworded to say ‘Would you like for me to ANNOY THE CRAP OUT OF YOU every 9 minutes about rebooting?’. I timed it. In Microsoft-speak Later = 9 Minutes.

My point is this. If Microsoft can leave crushing security holes open for MONTHS at a time, then I should get more than NINE minutes in between nagging.

Where is Scott Barnes when you need him?


Jim Priest commented and submitted a link with a fix. I just applied the no-nag fix and couldn’t be happier. Thank you Jim!

Here is the link:

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