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Author: nodans_k1pvc9

My EnvironmentRandomRapid DevelopmentThings I Love Views: 0

How I Cured My Back Pain

As I’ve gotten older, and gotten into the habit of working more hours, I’d become somewhat used to a pain in my back. This...

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Conferences Views: 0

Customize CFUnited 09

The fine folks at Stellr have put together a list of all the proposed presentations for CFUnited 09. You are invited to help choose the...

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ColdFusionWow Views: 0

I searched and found CFSearching

I’ve been working on The Health Challenge over the last month and ran into a usability issue using my CFChart implementation....

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Application Architecture Views: 0

Must Read: Matt Woodward on Refactoring Yourself In A Corner

Matt Woodward has a keen mind for technical topics. I’ve enjoyed his work for a variety of years on a variety of topics such as...

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Model-Glue Views: 0

Give Model-Glue A Piece Of Your Mind

We on the Model-Glue team have put together a simple survey and want to hear from you. Even if you aren’t using Model-Glue or...

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Application ArchitectureColdFusionPractical RefactoringSoftware Development Views: 0

Practical Refactoring In ColdFusion – Live Example

Practical Refactoring I’ve done a few presentations on refactoring in ColdFusion and in those presentations, I show a lot of code...

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TransferORM Views: 0

Transfer 1.1 has compelling features

Last night, Mark Mandel released Transfer 1.1. While only a .1 release on paper, this is a compelling upgrade for Transfer users....

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Rapid DevelopmentRIASoftware Development Views: 0

CFMeeup Presentation on Intermediate ColdSpring – Remote CFCs

Tomorrow Oct 16th, Tom Chiverton will present Intermediate ColdSpring – Remote CFCs to the online ColdFusion Meetup at 2 PM Est. Many...

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Wow Views: 0

Comment Spam Reduced to 0

Whaddya mean? Spam on Blame popularity, notoriety or just plain old dumb luck. The blog has been recently attacked...

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TACFUG Views: 0

Interested In Helping Promote Adobe User Groups? We Need Your Ideas!

Update: Download Meeting Notes Today on Twitter, a number of us expressed interest in a meeting about how to promote and expand our User...

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