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Author: nodans_k1pvc9

ColdFusionTACFUG Views: 0

I Present Fun With ColdSpring to TACFUG Tonight

Just a friendly reminder, tonight I am giving a presentation on ColdSpring to the Best Darned ColdFusion User Group out there! We’ll...

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ConferencesFlex Views: 0

More than you wanted to know about Flex and 360Flex

I recently interviewed John Wilker. We talked about a variety of topics, his long ColdFusion career. His migration to Flex, His migration...

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Flex Views: 0

Powered By Adobe Flash Spotted In NYC

While on a recent trip to NYC, I ran across a very large TV screen in Times Square. This thing was enormous, easily 40 foot square, if...

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Personal Views: 0

Happy Mike Brunt Day!

Today is a special day for Mike Brunt as this marks the day he will be sworn in as an American Citizen. Becoming a citizen is a long...

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PersonalStupidity Views: 0

iPhone Problems? Does the iEmperor Have No Clothes?

If you open a window and listen carefully, you can hear the moaning and wailing of the iPhone crowd as their iPhones are malfunctioning...

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ColdFusionRapid DevelopmentSoftware Development Views: 0

Input requested for my new presentation Fun With Coldspring

I am going to be giving a presentation to...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

Google Webmaster Tools: Step by Step at NYCFUG

I am on-site this week in NYC. As luck would have it, the NYCFUG met with Michael Dinowitz (a.k.a. Papa Dinnie) presenting on the Google...

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AIR Views: 0

Last Day Of Stockholm AIR Browser War Competition

Today is the last day of the Stockholm AIR Browser War competition. Put on by the Stockholm Multimedia User Group, entrants create cool...

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ConferencesRapid Development Views: 0

Refactoring from Procedural to OO presentation files

I’ve just finished my first CFUnited presentation on Refactoring from Procedural to OO. The presentation was slated for 8:30 and...

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ConferencesPersonal Views: 0

I’d Like To Meet You At CFUnited

I’ll be at CFUnited 08 this week and am looking forward to seeing my buddies whom I only see a few times a year. I am also looking...

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