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Author: nodans_k1pvc9

entrepreneurismMy EnvironmentSoftware Development Views: 0

I backed a Standing Desk Kick Starter

Kickstarter is all the rage, isn’t it? As the owner of 3 small businesses, I really like the capabilities kickstarter brings to the...

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ColdFusionServer Configuration Views: 0

ColdFusion 11 – MySQL no Suitable Driver

For reasons too complicated to get into, ColdFusion 11 no longer ships with a JDBC driver for MySQL. This is a change over previous...

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Application ArchitectureColdFusion Views: 0

Presentation Files – Our application got popular and now it breaks!

I’ve just posted the presentation “Our application got popular and now it breaks!” that was delivered at Dev.Objective()...

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Application ArchitectureConferencesSoftware Development Views: 0

The Top 5 Things You are Doing Today to Hinder Scalability

At the CFSummit 2014, I presented on The Top 5 Things You are Doing Today to Hinder Scalability. I collected my material through helping...

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Uncategorized Views: 0

How to Find the Best Outdoor Workout for Every Fitness Style

I and my wife stood amazed. Then I realised that the crest of Maybury Hill must be within range of the Martians

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Application ArchitectureMongoDBTutorials Views: 0

Using MongoDB Aggregation Framework to Filter Trello Cards

I’m helping prepare the CFSummit conference. We’ve organized the sessions on Trello and had a public voting session. It’s...

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Application ArchitectureSoftware DevelopmentWow Views: 0

Caching for Fun and Profit: Or why would you ever cache a page for 5 seconds?

There are a lot of ways to cache data. You can cache a piece of data, a query, a page fragment, an entire page, or an entire website. You...

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Personal Views: 0

Recruiters: How To Get Ignored

I don’t envy Technical Recruiters. They have tough job trying to place people in roles the recruiter himself doesn’t...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

Senior Software Developer / Architect / Dev Ninja (Durham, NC)

Local Job Posting for friend. This is a good position for a high quality ColdFusion person who understands start up culture and wants to...

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Server ConfigurationSoftware Development Views: 0

How to get Oracle 8i to Start on Windows XP

Oracle Error – Oracle Not Available I’m working on a client project that uses an Oracle 8i database. We’ll eventually...

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