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Author: nodans_k1pvc9

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Go John Corzine

I am no politico, please understand. I am writing about New Jersey Governor John Corzine who was recently involved in a high speed traffic...

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Packing my bags for CF.objective()

I have everything ready for my trip to Minneapolis. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again. You can find me on the twitter channel...

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In Honor of Virginia Tech


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Good Laugh This Morning

I read through the comments on Ben Forta’s blog about CF and Exchange Integration. I spit coffee on my keyboard when I read this...

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Having problems with laying out tables?

When laying out fixed width tables you might notice Firefox and Internet Explorer do not agree even when you specify a fixed with for each...

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Bob Tierney speaks to the NYFlex group

Bob Tierney spoke to the NYFlex user group about Flex Data Services and Moxie. Bob, along with Kevin Hoyt is a Senior Product Managers for...

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Payment Gateways

I am in the market for an online payment processor. Thus far, I’ve narrowed it down to two options, PayPal and Google Checkout. This...

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Amazon Wishlists and Flex books

I heard on the latest The Flex Show Podcast that Adobe will purchase and send any Flex books on Amazon wishlists. I just loaded up my...

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Is Eclipse Slow for you?

Over the course of the last few months, my Eclipse has become very slow to open. From what I noticed, it was the FlexBuilder plugin pieces...

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Pulling documents out of nested folders

As part of some consulting work, I had to extract documents out of a large zip file. The zip file contained thousands of documents and EACH...

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