Flex 3 Release World Tour Hit Raleigh/Durham
Last night, Ben Forta came to Cary, North Carolina to showcase the soon to be released Flex 3 and AIR products from Adobe. Flex Builder 3...
ColdFusion style List Functions In ActionScript
Shannon Hicks just released an ActionScript library that makes working with delimited lists in ActionScript as easy as working with...
Flash Security with Off-Root CrossDomain.xml files
Bruce Phillips (You should check out his interesting Flex posts) let me know that my Surfing Stats data didn’t load when the swf was...
Fix for annoying Where is the Debugger or Profiler running? popup
Shannon Hicks, who is a wealth of Flex Knowledge, gave me the solution for this problem. Apparently, an earlier version of the Flash Debug...
Where is the Debugger or Profiler running? Flex Builder Debugger
Where is the Debugger or Profiler running? Why, localhost, I presume….. Recently I installed Flex Builder 3 on a new machine and...
Fixed error in SQLLite Administration tool
Christophe Coenrates, a man I deeply admire (and whose job I covet) released a sweet SQLite Administration tool. I downloaded it last night...
SQLLite Administration Made Easy
I am working on some AIR projects now. AIR has SQLLite embedded into it. While looking around for a good way to manage SQLLite databases, I...