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ColdFusion Views: 0

Mach-II 1.5 backwards compatibility

I am in the process of doing maintenance on a Large Mach-II application written against the Mach-II 1.1.1 framework. Since the Mach-II team...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

Upcoming update to the Var Scope Checker

While helping a user on IRC, (dalnet #ColdFusion) I was looking for the Var Scope Checker. In my hunt to find the darned thing, I saw in...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

Transfer ORM list tops 100 users

While listening to the latest CF Weekly podcast, I heard Mark mention the Transfer Google Group was nearing 100 users. I got curious and...

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LightWire presentation

The LightWire presentation by Peter Bell has just finished. Great job by Peter explaining the inner workings of the frameworks, the...

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Scorpio Wishlist Item

One of the proper jewels of ColdFusion is the dynamic nature of the language. There is nothing I love more than replacing tons of...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

MachII Includes

Recently on the Dalnet #Mach-II IRC channel, a user asked about including resources in a mach-II.xml file. As you probably know, the MVC...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

CF.Objective() is the best value for the money

The aggregators are filled with hundreds of posts extolling the virtues of CF.Objective. I wanted to live blog some of the sessions but I...

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ColdFusion Ajax Wizards for Eclipse?

Sometimes I read too fast. I remember reading a post on Scorpio by Sean Corfield. I just don’t remember the part about the ColdFusion...

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Packing my bags for CF.objective()

I have everything ready for my trip to Minneapolis. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again. You can find me on the twitter channel...

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Good Laugh This Morning

I read through the comments on Ben Forta’s blog about CF and Exchange Integration. I spit coffee on my keyboard when I read this...

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