Payment Gateways
I am in the market for an online payment processor. Thus far, I’ve narrowed it down to two options, PayPal and Google Checkout. This...
Pulling documents out of nested folders
As part of some consulting work, I had to extract documents out of a large zip file. The zip file contained thousands of documents and EACH...
Bender Explained
Toby Tremayne has put forth some code as to how Bender will generate AS objects and connect to Transfer. This is an early first pass and...
OO and Lines Of Code
I’ve seen more than once, a person asking on a mailing list about a more ‘OO’ way to solve a problem. Often, this comes...
Pricing for BlueDragon.NET 7.0 Standard Edition – $1999/server
Newly released on Vince B’s blog, 7 pricing. For a long time, the Blue Dragon product had the reputation as being the...
The proud owner of a ticket to the CF.Objective conference
I am registered for the cf.Objective() conference! I REALLY REALLY wanted to go last year. My plans were derailed by deadlines at work. Not...
Passing querytext as a function argument OR When is a string not a string?
Today I wrote a function that added in default rows to a query. Part of the function needed the text of a query to find the default values....
Closures in ColdFusion
I’ve been reading Sean Corfield’s examples on how to use the Closure library. This still seems a little mystical to me since I...
Promote ColdFusion (CFML)
The “frighteningly” evangelistic Rey Bango, newly anointed into the JQuery Evangelism fold is a long time ColdFusion...
So you want to create a ModelGlue:Unity application? ( Part 10 )
Sean Corfield pointed out that using ColdSpring to make instance (throwaway) components is quite a heavyweight approach for a simple form...