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ColdFusion Views: 0

Using StructFind for fun and profit

There is a very weird debate going on in the CF-Aussie list about the merits of the ColdFusion function structFind(). StructFind( struct,...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

Pablo Vos Presents Ten facts why Coldfusion beats PHP and ASP

Someone just forwarded an article from Pablo Vos, “10 facts why ColdFusion is better than PHP or ASP”. The 10 facts are are...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

ColdFusion Developers – Spot the Mistake

Take a look at this code: I just spent 15 minutes tracing all this code out trying to find out why nothing was returned. The intent of the...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

Rewriting my blog in an emerging rich web technologies such as AJAX, Flex or Silverlight

Effective immediately, I will be rewriting this blog software in an emerging rich web technologies such as AJAX, Flex or Silverlight. Now...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

This needs to be said once in a while. For the good of the children, please turn off Report Execution Times in your CF Administrator. If...

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ColdFusionTutorials Views: 0

Nice post on The Model-Glue Event Lifecycle

ModelGlue Users and especially my MG series users, have a read on Doug Boude’s Blog about the The Model-Glue Event Lifecycle. Doug...

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ColdFusion Views: 0

Some thoughts on OO and the Industrial Revolution

Object Oriented programming has come up again as a topic du jour and is quite possibly one of the more divisive topics in the ColdFusion...

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ColdFusionModel-GlueRapid DevelopmentTutorials Views: 0

So you want to use Transfer ORM in your ModelGlue:Unity application (Part 1)

Previously, we connected Transfer ORM into our ContactOMatic application. Now, we will use it to get some things done! The completed files...

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ColdFusionFlexJavascript Views: 0

Thanks Adobe onAir BusTour

This past Saturday evening, the Adobe onAir Bus Tour breezed into Raleigh/Durham for a three hour stop. Mike Chambers and Kevin Hoyt gave...

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ColdFusionRapid Development Views: 0

The Evil Side of Maintain Database Connections and Stored Procedure Errors

A word of caution. When working with Stored Procedures in a development environment, do yourself a favor and untick the ‘Maintain...

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