CFinNC is close to a sell out
When we started talking about planning the CFinNC conference, we knew we wanted to provide the best possible training and education for...
Win a ColdFusion Dude Camera
Registration for the CFinNC conference is filling up fast. Even though we are a free conference, space is limited so get your registrations...
Why You Should Register for CFinNC before Sept 4th
As you know, we are hard at work planning the conference. CFinNC is 2 days of jam packed training and sessions on the Adobe...
My CFUnited Presentation Schedule
I’m honored to give 4 different presentations at CFUnited. I’m especially excited to give “Model-Glue:Gesture for Fun and...
Free ColdFusion, Flex AIR Conference in North Carolina
The organizers of the CFinNC 2009 Conference are proud to announce the ColdFusion in North Carolina 2009 Conference to be held October...
NC Conference – New Date Proposed
Planning for the NC ColdFusion conference is in high gear. We got excellent feedback on the conference dates/details from both speakers and...
Need Feedback on Proposed Date for NC ColdFusion Conference
North Carolina Conference? Hi Folks, we’ve been working pretty hard to line up a good ColdFusion conference for North Carolina and...
ColdFusion Conference Coming To Raleigh-Durham North Carolina
Ha, made you look! Seriously, Jim Priest and I have been kicking around the idea of hosting a 1 day ColdFusion conference in the Triangle...
European ColdFusion Conference Coming Soon
Scotch On The Road is bringing the conference to you! The European tour makes Scotch the most affordable way to get your annual intake of...
CFObjective Session: Build a ColdFusion powered AIR application
I’m putting the finishing touches on my upcoming presentation, Build a ColdFusion powered AIR application, for CF.Objective() and...