Customize CFUnited 09
The fine folks at Stellr have put together a list of all the proposed presentations for CFUnited 09. You are invited to help choose the...
So how did BFusion and BFlex go, you ask?
I am back home now after a very lovely and stimulating weekend at the BFusion/BFlex conference. BFusion and BFlex are back to back 1 day...
CFMeetup Presentation August 21 @ High Noon
Note: This post was updated. I am not speaking at noon, Ray is. I speak at 6:00PM. August 21 at high noon, the illustrious Ray Camden will...
Free ColdFusion and Flex Training Sept 6-7 at BFusion/BFlex
I don’t know what they put in the water in Bloomington, Indiana, but the people there are CRAZY. The excellent leadership over at the...
More than you wanted to know about Flex and 360Flex
I recently interviewed John Wilker. We talked about a variety of topics, his long ColdFusion career. His migration to Flex, His migration...
Refactoring from Procedural to OO presentation files
I’ve just finished my first CFUnited presentation on Refactoring from Procedural to OO. The presentation was slated for 8:30 and...
I’d Like To Meet You At CFUnited
I’ll be at CFUnited 08 this week and am looking forward to seeing my buddies whom I only see a few times a year. I am also looking...
CFObjective() Refactoring in ColdFusion from Procedural to OO Presentation
I presented twice at the CFObjective() conference on Refactoring in ColdFusion from Procedural to OO. I love giving this presentation...
Refactoring in ColdFusion: From Procedural to OO
I just finished giving my presentation on Refactoring in ColdFusion to the Triangle Area ColdFusion User Group. This was the first time...
360|Flex Conference Hand On Session Recap
On the first day of 360|Flex Atlanta 2008, I presented my hands on session titled “Building an XML Reader in Flex” to a packed...