Come watch Model-Glue 3 on the CFMeetup today at Noon
I’m presenting on Model-Glue 3 today on the CFMeetup at noon (EST). We’ll look at some of the powerful features of the recently...
If You Build or Maintain Client Side Libraries or Widgets I Want To Talk To You
The ColdFusion community is full of bright people who have built really neat libraries and widgets to make better features and functions...
Give Model-Glue A Piece Of Your Mind
We on the Model-Glue team have put together a simple survey and want to hear from you. Even if you aren’t using Model-Glue or...
Welcome to the Model-Glue Cookbook
Model-Glue is a very powerful and robust ColdFusion Framework. When solving application problems with Model-Glue there are recurring...
Frameworks, XML and duplication
Duplicating code is Bad! When designing software, take great pains to avoid duplication of code. After all, if an application has a lot of...
So you want to use Transfer ORM in your ModelGlue:Unity application (Part 1)
Previously, we connected Transfer ORM into our ContactOMatic application. Now, we will use it to get some things done! The completed files...
Installing Transfer in ModelGlue:Unity
Today we will install the Transfer ORM inside our Contact-O-Matic application. To complete this tutorial, you should have the...
So you want more tutorials?
I am going to continue the ‘So You Wanna Create a Model Glue Application series. (Thanks Lola For those just tuning in, the...
So you want to create a ModelGlue:Unity application? ( Part 10 )
Sean Corfield pointed out that using ColdSpring to make instance (throwaway) components is quite a heavyweight approach for a simple form...
So you want to create a ModelGlue:Unity application? ( Part 9 )
In our last segment we built the functionality to store our contacts to the database. Now we need a way to edit the information because...