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Google and the new menu bar

I read Ted Patrick today talking about Google Making Him Think and I laughed. As a programmer, there are lots of reasons to change an...

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Ok Apple, are you taunting me?

I wrote a while ago about getting a reprieve from Apple. I was really on the fence to upgrade (read: replace) my older PowerBook with a new...

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RSS Errors

I might be the last person to know about this but I thought I would blog it anyways. I wrote a post about Flex 360 – yesterday and...

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To the United States Post Office

The price of First Class mail went up to 41 cents today. In comparison of the previous price of 39 cents, this is a meager 5% increase. I...

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Go John Corzine

I am no politico, please understand. I am writing about New Jersey Governor John Corzine who was recently involved in a high speed traffic...

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In Honor of Virginia Tech


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Having problems with laying out tables?

When laying out fixed width tables you might notice Firefox and Internet Explorer do not agree even when you specify a fixed with for each...

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Thank you Apple!

The Leopard release of OSX has been officially delayed another 6 months. There is plenty of speculation and hypothesizing all over the...

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Innocent until proven guilty?

Verizon is one of the major providers of wireless Broadband. The Verizon EVDO product is one of the fastest services available in North...

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Enough with the Mac posts already….

Now Hear This Please stop raving about your Mac computers. I have an older Mac Book (600mhz) running 10.4 and I like it just fine. Since it...

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