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Rapid Development

Application ArchitectureRapid Development Views: 0

Build Better Forms Even Faster

I’ve been a big fan of the CFUniform ColdFusion Form Library for a long time. Using it helps me build better applications quicker....

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Rapid Development Views: 0

So a CFML variable name cannot end with a “.” character

I spent a good hour today trying to get some old code working and got stuck trying to fix: a CFML variable name cannot end with a...

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AjaxApplication ArchitectureModel-GlueRapid Development Views: 0

If You Build or Maintain Client Side Libraries or Widgets I Want To Talk To You

The ColdFusion community is full of bright people who have built really neat libraries and widgets to make better features and functions...

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AjaxRapid Development Views: 0

Must Have Tool For Ajax/Remoting Work!

Nathan Mische, one of the best JavaScript programmers I know, works on the ColdFire project. ColdFire is sort of like Firebug for Firefox,...

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ColdFusionRapid DevelopmentSoftware DevelopmentTACFUGTutorials Views: 0

OO Camp comes to RTP, NC

We work fairly hard at TACFUG to keep our members informed and engaged in key information about programming and ColdFusion. Recently, Jim...

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My EnvironmentRandomRapid DevelopmentThings I Love Views: 0

How I Cured My Back Pain

As I’ve gotten older, and gotten into the habit of working more hours, I’d become somewhat used to a pain in my back. This...

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Rapid DevelopmentRIASoftware Development Views: 0

CFMeeup Presentation on Intermediate ColdSpring – Remote CFCs

Tomorrow Oct 16th, Tom Chiverton will present Intermediate ColdSpring – Remote CFCs to the online ColdFusion Meetup at 2 PM Est. Many...

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ColdFusionRapid DevelopmentSoftware Development Views: 0

Input requested for my new presentation Fun With Coldspring

I am going to be giving a presentation to...

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ConferencesRapid Development Views: 0

Refactoring from Procedural to OO presentation files

I’ve just finished my first CFUnited presentation on Refactoring from Procedural to OO. The presentation was slated for 8:30 and...

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Rapid DevelopmentTutorials Views: 0

Quick Tip For Installation of FTP Tasks in Flex Builder

I installed the dependencies for the FTP Task in ANT this morning and when I ran the ANT task I promptly got this error: Could not create...

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