Cheat Sheets by Pete Frietag
I just rediscovered a sweet list of Cheat Sheets at Pete Freitag’s blog. I find the cheat sheets very helpful for syntactical...
So you want more tutorials?
I am going to continue the ‘So You Wanna Create a Model Glue Application series. (Thanks Lola 😉 For those just tuning in, the...
Pragmatic Snippets
Previously, I showed my top seven snippets. Let us use some of the snippets together to make a new component. To follow along, you should...
Seven snippets for highly effective developers
I like to think a lot about Rapid Development. Programming I find to be very enjoyable. I enjoy thinking around problems and designing...
Drive letters are only 1 character?
Since I created the SUBST drive mapping generator I have been wanting to make drive letters more than one character. I do not think this is...
Rapid Development – Generate your drive mappings
I posted a week ago about how to map a directory to a drive letter. This was a good tip for me because to get to my webroot directory, I...
Huge time saver: Alias a directory as a drive letter
Using a quick command, you can alias a directory in MSWindows to a drive letter. This is extremely handy when you access a nested directory...
Secret 1337 Trick – Undo Close Tab in Firefox
I just found an interesting feature in Firefox 2. If you have an open tab, then close it, you can right-click the tabs and choose...
Is Eclipse Slow for you?
Over the course of the last few months, my Eclipse has become very slow to open. From what I noticed, it was the FlexBuilder plugin pieces...
Mark Drew opens the question as to how best to offset the costs of developing CFEclipse. This is an interesting question because the world...