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I Hate You Adobe Updater

I usually like Adobe Updater. It runs out of my way, has options to run in the background and generally is a polite little updater. Today,...

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Tuesday Joke: Honda Customized Wing

As I went to grab my lunch, Chinese Takeout, I couldn’t help but notice this awesome customized Honda sitting in the parking lot....

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Rapid DevelopmentStupidity Views: 0

Four software development guidelines

The only thing I hate worse than making mistakes, is repeating a mistake. Yesterday I was working through a very frustrating set of...

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Rapid DevelopmentStupidity Views: 0

Three software development guidelines

This post has been changed to Four Software Development Guidelines Here is a funny picture for your trouble:...

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Public Service Announcement – Firefox Caches Select Box State

Remember that the Firefox Browser caches the selected position on Select Boxes. I am not sure how to turn this feature off. This means that...

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On Dying Technologies – The Zune

What ever happened to the Zune MP3 player by Microsoft? I recall great mention of the Zune at the initial release, but precious little...

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10 Tips on car ads

I am presently looking to replace my ‘vintage’ Porsche. She’s been a great car but I have trouble stuffing my mountain...

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From the You Can Not Be Serious file

I was poking around the web today and found a nice post from Doug Hughes about an SQL server issue. The post was commented 88 times. Many...

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Me as a Simpsons Character

I saw the “Create a Simpson’s Character” post on Andy Jarrett’s blog, so I gave it a go. Scary how much realism I...

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Rant: On Car Alarms

I was sitting on the porch today with the laptop and the excellent weather just enjoying myself. As the breeze rustled the leaves and the...

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