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I can’t wait to get these games:

I was reading an article on Worst Games Ever. Here are some quotes that had me laughing: The gameplay is almost as deep and engaging as...

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Stupidity Views: 0

And another thing Microsoft

Please stop resetting my default browser to IE. I’ve been using Firefox for several years. Just because you installed some...

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Stupidity Views: 0

Thank you Microsoft. I hate you so much.

This morning my computer was updated by the Microsoft Automatic Update service. This runs in the background downloading...

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Stupidity Views: 0

Strange Friday Night

I am not a threatening guy. I mean it. I am between 5’8 and 5’10 depending on what convenience store I am leaving. I weigh 150...

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To the Acura Driving Teenager

Hi, you might remember me. I was the guy in the Porsche this afternoon you wanted to race. I know you were perplexed when I didn’t...

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Microsoft should use Apache

I logged into the MSDN to look up some SQL Server particulars and look what I got: Perhaps Microsoft should switch from using IIS to...

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Model-GlueStupidity Views: 0

Sometimes it is the obvious……

I spent several hours going over a new ModelGlue:Unity + Transfer set up and had an error that stumped me. For the life of me I...

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Stupidity Views: 0

Go Microsoft

I am not a fan of advertising. In fact, I hate it. So it gives me great pleasure to denounce the worst advertising of the week. At this...

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PersonalRandomStupidity Views: 0

I’m warning you Vongo

Vongo. Ok. What is Vongo? More importantly, who do these Vongo people think they are? Check out the site to...

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Hey! My name is DanStupidity Views: 0

No Dans?

I personally have nothing against people named ‘Dan’. I promise… My name happens to be Dan and coupled with my last name...

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