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RandomWow Views: 0

How to Unrecover Deleted Files

Through an accident, I blame the dog for this one, my entire documents folder got deleted this morning. To compound the issue, the folder...

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JavascriptSoftware DevelopmentWow Views: 0

Tip to Speed Up Your Website – Compress CSS

There are a number of ways to speed up a website. An easy one would be to compress asset files and compact the files. This has been widely...

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ColdFusionWow Views: 0

I searched and found CFSearching

I’ve been working on The Health Challenge over the last month and ran into a usability issue using my CFChart implementation....

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Wow Views: 0

Comment Spam Reduced to 0

Whaddya mean? Spam on Blame popularity, notoriety or just plain old dumb luck. The blog has been recently attacked...

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ColdFusionWow Views: 0

TransferORM gets closer to 1.0 release

The word on the street is Transfer 1.0 will be in release candidate status at CF.Objective 2008. I’ve actually overheard that the...

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Wow Views: 0

AOP in the database

A good friend of mine is an excellent Oracle Trainer / Consultant. I noticed an article on his blog about rewriting queries on the fly....

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