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Written by 6:31 am ColdFusion, Software Development

ColdSpring 2.0 Alpha 1 Released! Your Help Needed!

Mark Mandel posted information about the ColdSpring 2.0 Alpha release and I wanted to make sure it got out to the general public. There is a documentation contest running and your help is requested in trying out the release and helping to identify issues. Make sure you have joined the ColdSpring Users Group as this is the best way to give and get information about ColdSpring.

Mark’s Post is below for your reference

ColdSpring 2.0 Alpha 1 is now available for you to download and test!

Major features included in this release:

  • Enhanced underlying architecture for greater extensibility
  • XML Schema For ColdSpring configuration files
  • New BeanDefinition architecture
  • BeanFactoryInterceptors for intercepting BeanFactory lifecyle events
  • BeanProcessInterceptors for intercepting Bean lifecyle events
  • XML Custom Namespaces for defining your own XML dialect for creating and configurating beans
  • Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) Custom XML Namespaces
  • Greatly extended AOP functionality with AOP expressions
  • ColdFusion 9 ORM Integration classes
  • Utility Custom XML Namespace for creation of data structures
  • Enhanced error reporting
  • Multiple Bean Scope support – beans can be prototype (transient), singleton, as well as request or session scope bound

More details can be found in the release notes, and my blog post:

We are also running a competition to help flesh out the missing pieces of the documentation, with an opportunity to win a copy of ColdFusion Builder!

Details can be found here:

Happy testing!

Thanks to all have been involved in this release!

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