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Written by 10:09 am Model-Glue

Give Model-Glue A Piece Of Your Mind

We on the Model-Glue team have put together a simple survey and want to hear from you. Even if you aren’t using Model-Glue or Frameworks or OO at all, your views are important to us.

How long will it take?

We’ve all taken long and boring surveys with endless questions requiring 1-10 rankings on sundry topics like “How much do you prefer crunchy peanut butter over creamy peanut butter?”. Model-Glue is all about making things easy for developers and this survey is no exception. This survey was tested with several monkeys from the North Carolina Zoo. Each monkey was able to complete the survey and give quality answers, all within a 20 minute period. The way we see it, a reasonably intelligent ColdFusion user like yourself should be able to complete the survey in 10 minutes.

Would you kindly give us 10 minutes of your time for the Model-Glue Survey? We promise to read all answers and use the answers for the good of the framework.

No monkey’s were harmed in the making of this Blog Post.

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