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Written by 8:51 am ColdFusion

New Scorpio/CF8 Yahoo Pipe

I am still wading through all of the new Scorpio/CF8 information. There is a lot of it and in order to get a better handle on all the topics and postings, I created a new Yahoo Pipe. The full URL is:

I picked the top 8 blogs for Scorpio news based on an unscientific cruise through the ColdFusion Yahoo Pipe from Brian Rinaldi. There are blogs I have missed so if you know of a good resource for Scorpio/CF8 postings, please leave the feed URL in a comment.

I want to be strict on this one and keep a valuable signal to noise ratio. My own blog is not included in this feed yet, because I haven’t posted anything significant on Scorpio/CF8.

So let us make this Scorpio specific please. If you have a Scorpio feed, please submit that one rather than your generic feed URL.

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