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Personal Views: 5,035

The Greatest Chicken Dish in the World! (with video)

Last night we had dinner with some dear friends, Jessica, Kyle and their baby Hunter. (Remind me one day to tell you about the fun I had...

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My EnvironmentRandomRapid DevelopmentThings I Love Views: 17,643

How I Cured My Back Pain

As I’ve gotten older, and gotten into the habit of working more hours, I’d become somewhat used to a pain in my back. This...

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Conferences Views: 3,560

Customize CFUnited 09

The fine folks at Stellr have put together a list of all the proposed presentations for CFUnited 09. You are invited to help choose the...

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ColdFusionWow Views: 4,739

I searched and found CFSearching

I’ve been working on The Health Challenge over the last month and ran into a usability issue using my CFChart implementation....

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Application Architecture Views: 4,193

Must Read: Matt Woodward on Refactoring Yourself In A Corner

Matt Woodward has a keen mind for technical topics. I’ve enjoyed his work for a variety of years on a variety of topics such as...

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Model-Glue Views: 7,535

Give Model-Glue A Piece Of Your Mind

We on the Model-Glue team have put together a simple survey and want to hear from you. Even if you aren’t using Model-Glue or...

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Application ArchitectureColdFusionPractical RefactoringSoftware Development Views: 7,649

Practical Refactoring In ColdFusion – Live Example

Practical Refactoring I’ve done a few presentations on refactoring in ColdFusion and in those presentations, I show a lot of code...

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TransferORM Views: 6,702

Transfer 1.1 has compelling features

Last night, Mark Mandel released Transfer 1.1. While only a .1 release on paper, this is a compelling upgrade for Transfer users....

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Rapid DevelopmentRIASoftware Development Views: 6,416

CFMeeup Presentation on Intermediate ColdSpring – Remote CFCs

Tomorrow Oct 16th, Tom Chiverton will present Intermediate ColdSpring – Remote CFCs to the online ColdFusion Meetup at 2 PM Est. Many...

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Wow Views: 10,782

Comment Spam Reduced to 0

Whaddya mean? Spam on Blame popularity, notoriety or just plain old dumb luck. The blog has been recently attacked...

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