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TutorialsWow Views: 8,136

So you wanna convert Open Office Documents to Wiki format?

While working on some Model-Glue documentation we needed to convert an open office document to TracWiki format. I’m not fluent in...

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AjaxJavascript Views: 10,444

How to Make a Show Password Link with JQuery

While we all agree a good security measure is hiding passwords in form inputs, giving a user the ability to unhide the password is a nice...

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RegexTutorials Views: 7,425

So you wanna learn Regex? – Part 6

Welcome to So You Wanna Learn Regex? Part 6. OK, I know I said part 5 would be the last part in the series, but I just had to work this one...

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Stupidity Views: 6,894

Top 5 Reasons Why Twitter Is Jumping The Shark

I was an early adopter of Twitter. “How early?”, you ask? Early enough to get DanWilson as my Twitter handle. Trust me, that is...

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ColdFusion Views: 4,307

Hey look, Jamie Metcher is Blogging!

Jamie Metcher, one of the wild and talented Aussies, is blogging now at If you, (like me), wondered what an lagod...

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Personal Views: 15,184

So You Wanna Visit Australia?

My wife and I just returned from our honeymoon. We spent 2 weeks in Australia and really loved it. I’ve got a few gigs of photos and...

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PersonalWow Views: 8,553

To The Most Courageous Woman I Know

This year has been a year of turmoil and also a year of blessings. Most years are like that, though this one has been particularly full of...

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PersonalWow Views: 8,278

My Brother the Alligator Wrestler

I’m from Florida, as you know. Florida is home to Alligators, a much maligned animal that generally doesn’t deserve such an...

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CFinNCColdFusion Views: 6,552

So you wanna plan a conference?

We’ve just finished up the CFinNC conference and by all digital accounts, it went rather well. Most things ran on time, lunch arrived...

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ColdFusionConferences Views: 5,825

Get Free Model-Glue training this weekend!

As you’ve probably seen, I’m giving Free Model Glue training this weekend at BFusion/BFlex in Bloomington, Indiana. This will...

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